You can make an appointment for a consultation with a fertility specialist, if pregnancy does not occur after a year of sexual activity without using of contraceptives. And also, if one of the spouses in the family has a genetic disease, when a woman is diagnosed with absence of fallopian tubes, their obstruction and other pathologies, when there are abnormalities of the hormonal system leading to the anovulation. The fertility specialists are also applied by women who wish to become pregnant and deliver a child in the absence (or unwillingness to have) of a sexual partner.
An examination and anamnesis are carried out during the consultations of the fertility specialist. The women are asked about menstruation cycle (duration, painfulness of menstruation, the volume of defluvium, the presence of dysfunctional blood effusion, etc.), the presence of urogenital diseases, diseases of other systems and organs, infertility cases in the family, surgical interventions, methods of contraception. The specialist must find out whether infertility is primary, and in this connection will clarify whether the woman have been pregnant in the past.
If you decided to get a consultation with a fertility specialist, you can take with you the available diagnostics results, records and other documents related to your problem:
• ultrasound findings of pelvic organs;
• examination of the fallopian tubes: HSG (hysterosalpingography) or EchoHSG (hysterosalpingography by ultrasonic scanning);
• blood test results for hormones (FSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone, etc.);
• spermogram of the husband.
Based on the information received, the doctor prescribes additional examinations that are necessary to diagnose the causes of infertility, and make up an individual treatment program. The success of our programs is 68-70%.