PGD/PGS procedures – Клиника ЭКО М1

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PGD/PGS procedures

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos is applied in IVF procedure and allows identifying aneuploidy, structural disorders of chromosomes and gene mutations even before the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity.

Expert advice allows identifying indications for PGD/PGS and deciding which method will be most effective in each case. The physician may recommend to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities or monogenic diseases.

Indications for PGD

In which cases may preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) get required?

  • Presence of hereditary diseases in the family
  • Desire to minimize the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in the unborn child
  • Desire to improve the effectiveness of the IVF program
  • Age of the mother. According to statistics, women after 40 years have the risk of delivering a baby with chromosomal abnormalities at more than 80%!

Thus, when deciding whether a PGD procedure is necessary, it makes sense to pre-assess the benefits of the method.


Indications for PGS

In contrast to PGD, preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) is performed to detect numerical and structural chromosomal anomalies or aneuploidy, in which the unborn child can possess the following syndromes: Down, Edwards, Patau, Saressalo-Turner and others, or decrease the probability of pregnancy.


Preimplantation screening for infertility treatment with IVF allows to:


Minimize the probability of chromosomal abnormalities in the unborn child;

Simultaneously analyze the chromosomal set and diagnosis of hereditary diseases;

According to statistics, PGD within IVF can increase the efficiency of in vitro fertilization by an average of 30%;

Reduce the risk of early pregnancy termination. Miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy in 2/3 of cases is due to the presence of genetic abnormalities in the embryo;

Reduce the cost of infertility treatment by reducing the number of failed attempts.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos in families with hereditary diseases makes it possible to:

Transfer only healthy embryos into the uterine cavity;

Diagnose all resulting after IVF embryos and cryopreserve only those that have no hereditary pathology. Thus, in the future, when planning the next pregnancy, only healthy embryos will be transferred to the patient;

Diagnose embryos obtained within the IVF program, excluding the possibility of contamination of the genetic material of the mother and the child, and hence the risk of incorrect diagnosis;

Simultaneously analyze the chromosomal set and diagnosis of hereditary diseases.

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