Consultation of urinologist-andrologist – Клиника ЭКО М1

Kazakhstan, Astana

10/2 Taras Shevchenko st.

8 (7172) 20 27 50

8 (747) 132 04 30

Consultation of urinologist-andrologist

Urinologist-andrologist deals with treatment, diagnosis and prevention of disorders of the urogenital system. The diseases of male genital organs in the early stages are easy to treat with timely consultation with a specialist.

Cost of consultations:

  • Primary consultation of urinologist-andrologist

  • Repeated consultation of urinologist-andrologist


Consultation of urologist-andrologist is necessary in the presence of such pathologies as:
• male infertility;
• erectile dysfunction;
• premature ejaculation;
• pathology of the external sex organs (congenital or acquired);
• problems of male contraception;
• hypogenitalism;
• hyperprolactinemia;
• inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system;
• STIs (sexually transmitted infections);
• neoplasm of genital organs.

It is necessary to make an appointment for andrologist if you have problems with conception, as well as any disorders of the genital system organs. Actually, any discomfort in the genital organs, changes in the endocrine profile and even minimal abnormalities in the sexual sphere should become an occasion to appoint for an andrologist consultation.

If you decided to get an andrologist consultation, you can take the available examinations results, records and other documents related to your problem.

An examination and anamnesis are carried out during the consultations. Based on the findings, the specialist determines the amount of additional examinations, among which:

• clinical blood and urine analysis;
• determination of the level of hormones (testosterone, FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, inhibin B);
• determination of the level of thyroid hormones (TTG, T3, T4);
• biochemical blood test (glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, SHBG);
• PSA (total, free), CEA;
• spermogram, MAR-test, HBA-test, fragmentation of sperm DNA;
• microscopic examination of the prostate gland secretion (biomaterial for analysis is obtained by prostate milking);
• prostate gland secretion culture to the OM;
• diagnosis of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) by PCR;
• Ultrasound of the prostate, organs of the scrota, penis;
• Ultrasound dopplerography of the urogenital system vessels.
If necessary, the andrologist may refer the patient to a consultation with other specialists. Our specialist makes an individual treatment program.

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